History of Cox’s Mills Grade School

HISTORY OF THE COX’S MILLS GRADED SCHOOL Written in 1935 by Paul Fiddler, Principal 1867 Cox’s Mills derives its name from Oliver Cox, who resided and owned a mill near the present (1935) Horn Creek bridge. The first building to be used for a school house in this community was an old dwelling house locatedContinue reading “History of Cox’s Mills Grade School”


Troy School District Information came from the following persons:Glenna been, Wilma Wiseman, Nelson Wells, Creed Westfall,Roxie Williams Ellyson andWalter L Moore, Superintendent of Gilmer County Schools 1928-29Pictures from Wilma Wiseman The Bloody Run School was located west of Troy just off Route 47 on the left side of a little road called Road Run Road.Continue reading “BLOODY RUN SCHOOL”

History of the Picture Postcard:

Before, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, there were postcards. We could send a picture of where we had traveled. We could send a picture of ourselves. It was a fun way to keep up with friends and relatives. In many ways it helped track our family history. They even made scrapbooks out of the postcards. IContinue reading “History of the Picture Postcard:”

Gilmer County WV Schools

Taken from: https://westvirginia.hometownlocator.com Name Bailey School Glenville Bear Run School Glenville Bell School Tanner Bird School Tanner Bloody Run School Auburn Buckhorn School Auburn Cather School Glenville Cherry Grove School Burnt House Chestnutlick School Normantown Conner School Gilmer Cooper School Burnt House Crooked Run School Tanner Cub School Normantown Dawson School Glenville De Kalb SchoolContinue reading “Gilmer County WV Schools”

To Learn from the Past

 “The dedication of a library is in itself an act of faith. To bring together the records of the past and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men and women in the future, a Nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the past. ItContinue reading “To Learn from the Past”

Floods in Gilmer County WV

                                Floods, have had a huge impact on Gilmer County through the years. We have had several nasty ones in my lifetime. As a child, it was always a big deal to drive to Glenville to see the water coming up under the stoplight. Jon boats would be moving through the streets helping people out.Continue reading “Floods in Gilmer County WV”

March 23,2023

West Virginia Humanities Council If you’re going to be in Glenville on Thursday (March 23), you’ll have two opportunities to catch History Alive! performances. JoAnn Peterson will be taking on dual roles. At 1 p.m., she will appear as First Lady Abigail Adams at the Gilmer County WV Historical Society at 302 East Main StreetContinue reading “March 23,2023”

Tomorrow, December 3, 2022

The historical society will be there, with things to sell. Come see us. If you don’t know where the recreation center is, turn onto Rt. 5 West at the red light in Glenville (for those who don’t know, there is only one red light in Glenville!). Go 2 blocks to Sycamore Road and turn right…followContinue reading “Tomorrow, December 3, 2022”