Paint an Easter Egg Class

You’re all invited to join us for an Easter Egg Decorating Class, taught by Sandy Hershey, at the Historical Society’s Annex building located on Main St., Glenville, WV . The class will run approximately two hours Saturday, March 26th, from 1-3:00pm.

Potatoes & a Pinch

St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, is only a few days away. Tradition holds that gardens need turned and prepared for planting potatoes and peas on or around this Irish holiday. So plow under the sod and make your patch of land ready for one of the most widely harvested vegetables: the spud, potato, tater, earthContinue reading “Potatoes & a Pinch”

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day. Who wrote the first recorded poem and just how many years ago? Hand made Valentines created from repurposed clothing by our Society members. All proceeds from sales are donated to the Gilmer County WV Historical Society.