Troy School District
Information came from the following persons:
Glenna been, Wilma Wiseman, Nelson Wells, Creed Westfall,
Roxie Williams Ellyson and
Walter L Moore, Superintendent of Gilmer County Schools 1928-29
Pictures from Wilma Wiseman
The Bloody Run School was located west of Troy just off Route 47 on the left side of a little road called Road Run Road. It was built in the early 1800’s. This was the first school house near Troy. It was built of logs and had a puncheon floor. The seats were made of slabs with legs. The seats had no backs and were not very comfortable. The log school house was still in use in 1899-1900 when Homer Eber Cooper taught there (see picture). This log building was used until a new frame building was built on Route 47 about one mile west of Troy. The new building was in use when Glenna Queen started to school there in 1915. The frame building was used until the fall of 1932 when the pupils of this school had to go to Troy School. The building went back to the land owner and was torn down and tie lumber was used to build a little store. Jewell Beeson was the last teacher at this school. (Most of the above information was from Glenna Queen, who was a student there from 1915-23.)
Some of the teachers have been: Homer Eber Cooper 1899; Fred Ward;
Tom A. Reed 1914; Aurbey Goff; Lizzie Flasher (Cutright); Vera Law Heckert; Roscoe Cunningham; Artie Williams 1921; Roxie Williams (Elllyson) 1922; Alpha Pirkey was here for several years; Alice Fair, Gloy Talbott; Ira Reed; Mary Gene Osborn (Stalnaker) 1928; Eulah Wilfong (Mrs. Bill Fare); Jewell Beeson was the last teacher. The Bloody Run School closed in the spring of 1932.