Potatoes & a Pinch

St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, is only a few days away. Tradition holds that gardens need turned and prepared for planting potatoes and peas on or around this Irish holiday. So plow under the sod and make your patch of land ready for one of the most widely harvested vegetables: the spud, potato, tater, earth apple, tuber, Murphy, Spanish waiter, or what ever you may call it.

Most important, don’t forget to wear a touch of green when you’re out and about on St. Patties Day. The eyes of the potatoes aren’t the only eyes watching that day. Folk lore states you’re invisible to a leprechaun, if safely cloaked in green. But without it……..well, let’s just say if they can see you, the wee folk can pack a powerful pinch!

Art work courtesy of Sandra Hershey

Happy St. Pattie’s Day

from the Gilmer County WV Historical Society

Glenville, WV

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