Gilmer County Historical Society
The Gilmer County Historical Society is located at 302 Main Street in Glenville WV and is comprised of two buildings know as the Holt house and the annex building. The Holt house is set up as a living history museum complete with demonstrations and private lessons in weaving, spinning, knitting, crochet, sewing and much more! There is also a gift shop with hand crafted items made by our volunteers to raise funds for this non profit organization in order to help maintain both buildings. The organization is completed run by volunteers, donations and support from the community.
The second building, the annex, is comprised of an extensive library of research documents that can be reviewed by researchers and historians and is perfect for researching genealogically lines within Gilmer county. There are also books for sale in the gift shop (see photos on the gift shop tab in the main menus on this site) regarding genealogy research and other general history within Gilmer county to include cemetery listings. We also have computers available with print capability thanks to generous donations we have received.
If you plan to stop by and do some research the business hours are generally open on Wednesday’s from 11-3pm and other days by appointment only. Our monthly meeting is the 3rd Wednesday each month. Plan to arrive early and spend the whole day (bring a lunch) because the research library is extensive and full of information! Most people say they wish they had brought a lunch and planned to stay longer lol!
Please support your local non profit historical societies thru volunteering or donations because without your support we won’t be able to afford to keep this treasure open and available for researchers! The loss of historical documents would be a sad thing indeed.