We would love to have you join our happy family of volunteers! Volunteering can be as little or as time consuming as you wish 🙂 We need all kinds of skills and activity levels. If you can help answer phones, or teach a class or help visitors doing research, or decorate the front porch, or do some light cleaning….maybe set up web sites, computers, write grant requests, or ask for donations?
All help is appreciated! so contact us and let us know you want to help us keep the doors open and the archives available to the public …and the Historic Holt house maintained for visitors to enjoy. If time is a problem then monetary donations or donations of supplies are needed too. Every dollar counts as we are solely open due to our volunteers and donations and fund raisers from people just like you!
Occasionally we will place some items here on our wish list of things we need help with and maybe you can help with those:
- We would love some help repainting the signs at the Holt house and the front porch to spruce the place up. For this we would need people and painting supplies. If anyone owns a sign shop and could donate a new professionally made sign that would even better! We would really love some beautiful professionally made metal signs that could replace our badly deteriorated handmade wooden ones.
2. We would love to start offering some new heritage crafts classes now that COVID has slowed a bit, so we are looking for instructors and donations of needed supplies once the classes have been determined.
3. We will be starting a new project to try and get some of our paper photo collections online for everyone to peruse this 2022 coming year, thanks to a generous donation from the Reaser family. As we determine the process and what we will need our volunteers to help with for this awesome project… stay tuned for more info!
4. We are in need of air purification (HEPA room filter type) fans for the historic holt house. Over the many years that this house has stood, it has been flooded several times. Sine we only open one day a week except for special events throughout the year we have noticed a musty mold smell starting to form. Several of our volunteers have breathing problems like asthma and allergies which is making it hard to work in the building to keep it maintained like we would like and we believe that several plug in room air purifier fans would help tremendously! if you can donate one (or more) it would be greatly appreciated!
5. We have our holiday display up, but it always takes a hit on our electric bill, so donations to help support our Santa in the window display this year would be greatly appreciated! We want our children in the community to be able to stop by and see Santa for sure!
6. We would love to have a set of outdoor wall mountable speakers for the front porch, so we can use them for special events like Santa in the window. We received a donation of the large screen tv and are borrowing a dvd player from one of our volunteers to do the Santa in the window event this year… but without the speakers there is no jolly ”ho ho ho” or Christmas music… or folk music during folk festival etc. So speakers would be an awesome donation! We would also like to add the “macabre manor” halloween DVD to our holiday decor (by Kringle bro’s on amazon) this year so we can do a really cool halloween display for the kids too if anyone would like to donate that. we really want to bring some educational AS WELL AS FUN decorations to the community to enjoy for the kids.
7. if we can secure a public showing license for movies we would like to tie in some WV documentaries on the above mentioned TV and sound system to play during special events. But again that takes funds and right now we are struggling to just pay the utilities and keep the historical society open for business. So as far as wish lists go… the fun stuff as well as the necessities are on a limited resourcing basis and often funded by our volunteers (out of pocket) as special projects and needs.