Breakfast With Santa At the Historical Society

Students from Kindergarten through second grade of the Gilmer County Elementary School in Glenville, West Virginia, were invited to Breakfast with Santa on December 17th by the Gilmer County Historical Society. The children enjoyed chatting with Santa and learning about Christmas toys from the past like wooden boats powered by rubber bands and wooden tops you can spin on a smooth surface. Showing the kids how his clothing fashions changed over the past hundred years, Santa even pointed out one of his favorite long, fur trimmed robes.

Watching the young children converse with the man in red as they ate and played with the old fashioned toys and gifts from Santa was heartwarming to see. There is nothing sweeter than shy smiles of wonder on children’s faces this time of year.

One of the favorite spots was the water table. Who needs batteries?

As Santa and his helpers handed out gifts, Moms and Dads took pictures of all the interesting activities.

After the two hour visit with Santa, everyone said their goodbyes and Merry Christmas wishes were exchanged. Lots of smiles and hugs for everyone.

The Historical Society sent home A Brief History Of Toys from 4000 bc to 1993.


As we tidy up the kitchen and turn the Annex back into our history library, we know we have done our part in creating a spark in the hearts of our younger generation. May it grow into the desire to become the future protectors of our past.

We would like to thank our local businesses and private individuals who donated to help make this event possible. The spirit of Christmas is strong in Gilmer County, West Virginia.

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