Prohibition times in Gilmer County, West Virginia

Early 1920’s

‘The law looks over confiscated whisky-making equipment taken from illegal Gilmer County stills some time in the early twenties. Pictured, left to right, are Emmett J. Bush, Deputy Sheriff; James H. Hall, Sheriff; a Mr. Willis, prohibition agent; John R. Lynch, Justice of the Peace; Earl Bennett, Deputy Sheriff; and Bantz Craddock, Prosecuting Attorney. (news paper clipping)

The Historical Society is planning a Murder Mystery Benefit Dinner, at the Holt House Museum, at 302 E. Main Street, Glenville, WV 26351, on Saturday, October 22 of this year. The theatrical production is being written by Robin and Karen Pennebaker, members. Robin Pennebaker first became involved in the Society when she was about 9 years old. Now 30, she knows more of the history of the Holt House Museum than most other members do. She will be giving a tour of the house to set the stage for ‘Murder On Main Street’.

Our story will begin during the time of prohibition, 100 years ago in the year 1922. During the 20’s and 30’s there were drastic changes for the Victorian woman as a result of the women’s movements opening the door for the uninhibited Flappers to emerge. It also changed the lives of men and how they would look at woman in the years that followed. This is the exciting time in history we wanted to have a little fun with.

Some of our members will be in costume. We encourage everyone to dress up for dinner to try and win a prize for Most Popular Costume of the evening. What better way for the diners to feel the pull of living-history as they play their small parts in solving the mystery?

As we get closer to our production date, we will post more tantalising bits of info on the Roaring 20’s and 30’s and the evolution it create to our way of life in the United States.

All proceeds will go towards a new roof we desperately need on out Annex Library, and an air conditioning and heating unit which no longer serves. Donations are welcome and appreciated. If you would like to donate please go to the ‘About Us’ page located on the Home Page and click on the ‘Donate’ button at the beginning of the photos. It is well appreciated.

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